Bealeton Baptist Church Logo

Hear the Word of God, wherever you are.



The One-Another's of Paul's Final Instructions

November 10 | 1 Thes 4;9 | 1 Thes 4:18 | 1 Thes 5:11 | 1 Thes 5:13-15

A Fresh Look at Fruit

November 3 | Matt 7:15-20, 21-23 | Matt 13:3-9, 18-23 | Gal 5:22-23 | Matt 28:19 | John 15:1-8



God Has a Plan part 2

October 27 | Acts 16:16-34 | Pastor Chris Ryman

God Has a Plan

October 20 | Acts 16:16-34 | Pastor Chris Ryman

Final Reflections on the Book of Esther

October 13 | Esther 2:21-23 | Gen 39:6 | Dan 6:4 | Ex 1:12 | Num 24:17 | Heb 13:5

And the Blind Shall See

October 6 | Luke 18:35-10-19:10




Using Your Influence For God

September 29 | Esther f:15-16; 5:1-8; 7:1-6 | Josh 1:9 | Prov 22:4 | Prov 19:20 | Luke 14:28

Pathway to Divine Intervention

September 22 | Esther 4:16| I Esther 4:1-8

Esther's Call to Courage

September 15 | Esther 3-4 | Is 41:10 | Psalm 34:4 | Joshua 1:9

On the Shoulders of Giants

September 8 | Matt 16:13-28 | Eph 1:11 | Eph 2:10

The Hidden Hand of God

September 1 | Prov 16:33 | romans 8:28 | Hebrews 11:1




Retirement & Legacy

August 25 | Num 8:24-26 | Josh 14:10-14 | Psalm 71:18 | Titus 2:2-3 | Matt 16:29-32 | Prov 13:22 | Eph 2:10 | Deut 6:6-7

Family & Finances

August 18 | Jos 24:15 | Gen 1:28 | Gen 2:24 | Prov 3:5-6 | Ps 127:3-5 | Matt 6"24 | Prov 15:22 | Phil 4:19 | 2 Cor 9:6-8

Out of the Gate: The Terrible Two

August 11 | Prov 3:5-6 | Prov 13:20 | Prov 12:26 | Prov 31:30 | 1 Peter 4:10 | Prov 19:20 | 1 Cor 10:31 | Prov 22:4 |

A Time to Choose

August 4 | Joshua 24:14-15 | Luke 14:25-33


Authentic Faith


Last Words, Pray!

July 28 | James 5: 13-20


July 21 | James 5: 7-12 | 2 Peter 3:3-4, 8-9

To whom much Is given, much is expected

July 14 | James 5:1-6 | Luke 12:48

Acknowledging Who Is the Boss

July 7 | James 4:13-16 | Luke 12:16-20 | Prov 21:5 | Prov 16:3 | Luke 14:28


Authentic Faith


Two Indispensable Pillars

June 30 | Matt 12:25 | 2 Chronicles 7:14

Authentic Faith: Careful! Mud Splatters

June 23 | James 4: 11-12 | Matt 7:1 | Gal 6:1-2 | Matt 18:15-17

Authentic Faith: Real Wisdom

June 9 | James 3:13-18


Authentic Faith


In Memorial

May 26 | Deut 6:4-12 | Ex 13:16 | Josh 4:5-7 | Ps 105:1-2 | 1 Cor 11:24-25

Authentic Faith: Actionable Faith

May 19 | James 2:14-16 | Eph 2:8-9

Authentic Faith: Playing Favorites

May 12 | James 2:1-10 | Matt 22:347-39 | Matt 25:34-40


Authentic Faith


Authentic Faith: A Level Playing Field

April 21 | James 1:1-11 | Luke 12:16-18 | Matt 6:26-34

Authentic Faith: Tribes

April 7 | James 1:1


Pathway to Faith


Peculiar People - The Royal Treatment

March 24 | 1 Kings:32-35 | Luke 19:37-40 | Is 58:8-9 | Ecc 3:1

Pathway to Faith - So Then How Should We Live

March 17 | Hebrews 11:1 | John 4:21 | Prov 3:5-6 | 1 John 1:9 | Phil 4:7 | Habakuk 2:4 | Galatians 2:20

How Does It Work Today

March 10 | John 14:6 | John 14:16-17a; | John 16:13 | 1 Cor 7:7 | Gal 5:22-23

The God Solution

March 3 | Isa 53:6 | Gen 2:25 | Gen 4:6-7 | Gen 9:5-7 | Gal 3:24-25 | Ro 5:6


Pathway to Faith


Not Telephone. Evidence!

February 25 | 2 Tim 3:16

The God Who Intervenes

February 18 | Num 23:19 | Gen 19:23-24 | Gal 4:4-6

A God Who is Near and Far

February 11 | Acts 17:27 | Ecc 3:11 | Jer 23:23-24

No Accidents - Fingerprints of God

February 4 | 1 Cor 15:14 | Psalm 19:1 | Psalm 139:14 | Ro 1:19-20




January 28 | Matthew 28:19-20 | Acts 1:8

You Are NOT the Same "Old" Guy

January 21 | Romans 12:2 | 2 Tim 3:16-17 | Josh 1:8 | Phil 4:8-9 | Proverbs 4:23

Together - The Impact of Corporate Worship

January 14 | Psalm 73:12-17 | 2 Tim 1:12 | I Thes 5:11 | Col 3:11

The Call - Worship

January 7 | Matt 12:6 | John 4:23-24 | Rom 12:1-2


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