Sermons 2025

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Hear the Word of God, wherever you are.



Apologetics Series

So Many Books, So Little Time

March 2nd | 1 Peter 3:15 | Luke 1:1-4 | 1 Thess 5:20-22



Contend for the Faith: In the Beginning

February 23 | Psalm 19:1 | Psalms 139: 14 | Romans 1:18-20 | Genesis 1:1

Contend for the Faith: What is Truth

February 16 | John18:29-38 | 2 Tim 4:1-4 | Isaiah 1:16-20 | John 8:31-32 | 2 Tim 2:24-25 | John 14:6

Power to Change: Breaking Free

February 9th | Hebrews 12:1-2 | Matt 11:28-30 | 2 Cor 5:17

Power to Change: Change Starts Between the Ears

February 2nd | Romans 12:2



The Power to Change: Ingredients for Change

January 26th | Eph 1:18-19

Worship, Grow, GO

January 19th | Matt 28:19-20 | Mark 16:15 | Matt 10:7-8 | Acts 1:8 | Luke 10:37 | Luke 9:3 | Heb 11:8

The Power to Change: The Believer’s Personal Pursuit

January 12 | Isaiah 6:1-8


January 5th | Galatians 3:28 | Luke 12:6-7 | Matthew 18:21-22 | Mark 10:42-45 | 1 Corinthians 15:16-20


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